Cornering is an essential motorcycle skill that can greatly enhance your riding experience. It involves several steps including observing the road, entering the curve at adjusted speed, and leaning into the corner for a smooth ride. Always remember to wear your helmet and safely gear up before hitting the roads.

Observing The Road 

Being alert to road conditions is crucial to effective cornering. Start by ensuring you have a clear line of sight through the turn. Check for traffic, gravel, wet spots, or anything unusual on your path. Awareness is the key to anticipating any sudden turns or obstacles for a smoother ride.

Adjusting Your Speed

Enter a corner at a suitable speed — Not too fast that you struggle to control your motorcycle, not too slow that you decelerate midway. A common rookie mistake is entering at high speeds which could lead to skidding or worse— accidents. Wise riders know when to throttle up and when to retard.

Leaning Into The Corners

Leaning into corners aids with stability and control during turns but it requires precision balancing skills. To successfully lean in during corners without losing balance, align your body parallel to the motorcycle's lean angle while firmly holding onto your handlebars.

Perfecting Your Skills with Practice 

Like every other skill, perfection in motorcycle cornering comes with regular practice and patience. Remember that safety comes first, so always ride within your limits and gear up appropriately.

Why not put into practice what you just learned? Bartels' Harley-Davidson®, located in Marina Del Rey, CA, awaits you with open arms! Proudly serving our friends in Malibu, Santa Monica, and Brentwood, CA; we invite all bike enthusiasts looking forward to enhancing their riding experience. Book a test ride today!